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Doug is sooooo precious.  He lays in a pile of technological refuse in the cutest way.  He also headlines the last batch of wedding photos I have.   My 3 year wedding season appears to be over.   The wedding photos of Shawn and Melissa are littered with previous wedding picture page stars.  One last shebang for all those actively engaged in wedded bliss.  Thanks to Angry Mark for most of the pictures, and Cafernoonie for the others.

Nicky Camaro is always a star among stars.


Melissa and Shawn.   Fabulous.

Former Wedding Picture Page 56 star Bill rolls his eyes


Former Wedding Picture Page 54 star Angry Mark begins his lawyerly lecture on why you suck and he rules.

That's right.  YOU SUCK.  Angry Mark Rules.



Shawn greets former Wedding Picture Page 58
stars Frame and Michelle.

Shawn stares at the Orb Of Perdition, seeking clues to his perdiciousness.

Nicky Camaro caresses the womb of Former Wedding Picture Page 54 star Shana.  Chez Cree-pay.

I look dumb with bad hair. Double fisting.  Angie makes her only appearance right behind me.  It doesn't really look like her.



I grab a dance with the bride Melissa, thus providing an opportune moment to count chins.  Only 2.  Not bad.  You can see the King Of Beers clutched tenderly in my hand.

Shana and I compare plants.


Mine smells delicious.

Contact Daniel James Davis, Esquire
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