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My Ex-Boss/Friend Johanna and Jackie Please
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My former bosses Johanna and Jackie make their first appearances in a couple of years.  Johanna got a divorce and had a celebration.  Most of the pictures were of managers from my work that I don't know, I didn't think it would be a good idea to post them on my site so this will be a real boring page.





Jackie, as usual, is unimpressed.  She acts like I'm not funny, but about once per session I make her laugh out loud.


Jackie Please grudgingly joins my dumbassity.


Normal Dan.


Tiara Dan.  You can't tell but it had blinking lights.


I also got some shoe necklace thing.  Wearing the tiara at Johanna's request was one thing, but this fruity shoe is a real downer. 



You can barely tell it has a penny in it.  I swung it around trying to not let the penny fall out.  Good times.


Angie showed up. 


Angie gets to wear the tiara.


Johanna makes her only appearance with a rousing congratulations hug from Dave, who has been blurred because I don't know if he wants to be associated with this stupid site.


Contact Daniel James Davis, Esquire
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