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The weekend of January 20th & 21st I ventured into the Colorado mountains to see old friends and their wives and children.  Many of them skied.  I did not.


Ryan, or Arnold if you prefer, gets some air or something.



Rob ruins the ski terrain with his snow board or something.


Baker, Ryan and Rob gather in a wooden place.

We all gathered in a dining facility in a ski lodging facility.


In the old days we'd pound beer, cuss like sailors and tear the joint up.  Now, everyone has families, so only Ryan and I pound beer, cuss like sailors and tear the joint up.  Actually, I pound beer, Ryan pounds snooty liquor, I cuss and no one tears anything up.

Since those days are gone, here are the family pictures. 

Here is Baker with his son Josh.


Rob and Taya and their son Lincoln.


Taya relives the glory days a bit, drinks some beer with a minor.


Shawn with Josh, who got passed around like a.....never mind.


Me with Josh.  Or is it "I with Josh".  I wish some really old person was here to correct my grammar.

Josh and I had a great time.  I showed him shiny things.  King Of Beers appears lower left.


Ryan skips all the kiddy crap, gorges himself on food and drink like a decadent nobleman from antiquity or something.


After dinner, a picture for posterity.

Shawn, Rob, Ash, Dan, Ryan, Baker (or Mark if you prefer). 


After dinner, it's back to the mountain getaway of Kevin and Shannon.

Rob, Taya, Shawn and Kevin take a shot off a ski.  Shana peaks thru the middle.


Ryan and I (I and Ryan?) get ready for our shot.


Melissa hugs a huge ass dog who's name I don't remember.  I can't stress how very large he was enough.  Very well behaved..


Taya and Shana have found their own dog to snuggle with.  HA HA.  That's funny cuz Ryan isn't a dog even though he's man's best friend.

Contact Daniel James Davis, Esquire
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