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Picture Page 69 will certainly be a big disappointment for 69 enthusiasts.  These pictures were taken at the April 1st Colorado Crus vs. Nashville Kats game, which was won in a rousing comeback by Colorado 55-48.


Frame knows how to deal with paparazzi.


He turns his head and drinks the sorrow of his fame away.



Angie is busted showing Michelle how she chows overly large sandwhiches.


Angie's recovery is seamless, unlike poor Michelle with a mouthful, and Melissa's transition from bite of nachos to smile is less than stellar.


Arnold and his platonic friend Marty, who is everyone else's regular friend.. 


Arnold happy happy joy joy.


Arnold with his father, Gar-dawg.  Rhymes with 'Bear-dawg'.


Worley playa hates on some dead animal.


Worley gives some shine to dead animal.


Worley, Melissa and Angie.  In the lower right corner you can see some semblance of evil creeping up on Angie.


Angie is suddenly taken, Shaun is overtaken by the shadowy evil and Melissa begins speaking in tongues.


Michelle double fists cell phones
while the only picture of the actual game is in the background, watched by Frame.


Michelle got a call!  Woo Hoo!


My chin looks so firm and strong when pictures are taken from above while I squat.  (photo and pose by Worley.)

Contact Daniel James Davis, Esquire
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